Actual restricction and measures to enter Iceland - COVID 19
All COVID-19 measures at the Icelandic border ended on 25 February 2022. Therefore no COVID-19 prevention measures will be in place at the border, regardless of whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Iceland is open for travelling for fully vaccinated passangers. Those who do not have a vaccination need to stay in quarantine. There are various steps you have to fullfill before travelling to Iceland. All the offical informatoin can be consulted here: If you have passed COVID-19 and can proove it according to the requirements requested, you do not have to pass guaranteen either. Once on Iceland the restrictions are very few and you can fully enjoy your vacations. So you can start dreaming and visit us. More information about COVID 19 - coronavirus restrictions to be found bellow. Information about testing on Iceland also available on our site.

- Travellers who have complete COVID-19 vaccination: must pre-register before arriving in Iceland. Upon arrival to Iceland they have to present an approved vaccination certificate at the border. Note that even vaccinated passengers (and those with a prior infection) born in 2004 or earlier, must present a negative PCR or antigen Covid test (not older than 72 hours) taken prior their trip to Iceland.
- Travellers who had been infected with COVID-19 and have certificate: can entrer Iceland on the same bases as the vaccinated passangers. But a specific offical documentation proving previous infection of Covid-19 is requested. The international offical certificates of the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 are only accepted. Check all the details at:
- Traveller who do not have the vaccine yet: travellers without vaccination have to undergo 3x PCR: before enterign Iceland (max 72 hours before), PCR test upon arrival, and 5-6 day quarantine ended with the third PCR test.
Which vaccinations are accepted to enter Iceland?
You have to be fully vaccinated with approved vaccinations by WHO/EMA
The final dose of your vaccine has to be taken minimum fourteen days ago before your travel
If you are fully vaccinated, but there are less than 14 days since your last dose, you will have to through quarantine upon arrival.
Note that you must present an offical certificate which can proove the requirements above. It is not possible to pre-approve individual certificates as the Icelandic government is not doing so.
Another requirement to keep in mind for entry to Iceland
VISA TO ICELAND: Apart from that, if your citizenship requires visa to enter Iceland, you must follow these requlations as well. More information to be found in .
ICELAND COVID TEST IF YOU ARE SICK: If you feel sick and you wish to take a COVID test, please, read the instructions here:
ICELAND COVID TEST WHILE ON ICELAND: If you are not sick or do not have sympthoms and you want to take a test while on Iceland, you can do it it one of the centers around the country:
ICELAND COVID TEST FOR YOUR RETURN TRIP: If you need a test for travelling back home you can book it throught the following sites:, or But note, that this test for travelling requirements can only be taken in Reykjavík, Keflavík and Akureyri.
All persons arriving in Iceland must fullfill the regulations at:
How much the PCR test cost on Iceland?
The cost of a PCR test on Iceland is about 35 EUR. The antigen test has a price of about 15 EUR. If you are sick or you have sympthoms you will be tested for free.
Where is the main Healt Center in Iceland? The primary Health Care Center is in the capital City Reykjavík at Suðurlandsbraut 34, 108 Reykjavík.
Are there private clinics - testing centers in Iceland? Yes, there are private centers of a company called Öryggismiðstöðin to be found at Tel: 00354 5302444 and e-mail:
It has it centers at Keflavík at Aðalgata 60, 230 Reykjanesbær, in Reykjavík Busterminal Reykjavík (BSI) at Vatnsmýrarvegi 10, 101 Reykjavík, and in th Reykjavík next to the Shopping center Kringlat at Kringlan 7, 103 Reykjavík.
Where can I quarantine in Iceland?
The quarantine base must have a permanent fixed address and have a private bathroom for each individual or family members who are quarantined together. In other words, it is possible to quarantine in a hotel but not in “mobile accommodation” such as tents, vans or motorhomes.
How do I get to the quartine base in Iceland (for example, my booked hotel)?
Upon arrival in Iceland, one night is allowed in appropriate accommodation near the point of entry before traveling directly to the accommodation to be used during quarantine. Ideally, travel directly upon arrival at said accommodation in a private vehicle.
Is it possible to quarantine in hostels or lodges in Iceland?
No, group accommodation is prohibited during quarantine (hostels, cabins, shelters, etc.), that is, any accommodation where people who do not share a house sleep in the same room and use the same hygiene and kitchen facilities.
Can I use the common facilities of my quarantine place in Iceland?
No, those quarantined cannot use shared spaces such as living rooms, kitchens, etc. A quarantined person should stay in their quarantine accommodation and have contact with as few people as possible.
When can I end the quarantine?
After you take your final negative PCR Covid test and will be officially realeased by the authorities.
Can I go out for food while I quarantine in Iceland?
People in quarantine should not go out looking for food, medicine, etc. Hotels and other quarantine accommodation providers may provide room service or allow food delivery from restaurants or grocery stores. In Reykjavík, several food stores and many restaurants offer home delivery, on their own websites or through other means.
Can I go out for a walk while I am quarantined in Iceland?
People in quarantine can use stairs and shared entrances to the accommodation (for example, when entering and leaving for a walk) but cannot stay there and must keep at least 2 meters distance from others. The use of stairs is recommended, in case of using an elevator it should not be shared with other people. In case of touching common surfaces, they must be disinfected by the person in question after being touched, preferably an individual. Quarantined people can go out onto a balcony or garden that is for their personal use. People in quarantine can go for a walk, but they must maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from other pedestrians and must not visit national monuments, museums and other popular tourist destinations or popular outdoor public areas, including the city center.
What other activities can I do while I am quarantined in Iceland?
People in quarantine can go for a ride in a private rental car, but should not interact with others in close proximity, for example at roadside restaurants. Sightseeing is not allowed and driving long distances (eg between cities) is not allowed either, except on arrival, to travel from the airport to the quarantine base in Iceland (eg a hotel in Reykjavík).
What do I do if I need medical attention?
The individual in quarantine can leave the accommodation in which they are undergoing quarantine to receive the necessary medical attention, after consulting a primary care clinic, on-call service 1700 (+354 544 4113) or emergency services 112. If you are sick (COVID-19 or other illness) or if an accident occurs while you are in quarantine and require medical attention, the person who contacts the primary care clinic, 1700 (+354 544 4113) or 112 must notify it. This allows necessary precautions to be taken for medical personnel involved in the provision of healthcare, but does NOT delay or inhibit access to necessary medical care.
What do I have to quarantine myself for 14 days in Iceland?
In case of receiving a positive COVID test, you will have to complete a 14-day quarantine. If you do not want to take the COVID-19 test, you also have to do the 14-day quarantine.
Please note that this information may change at any time. The last update was made on September 30th, 2021. To obtain the official and updated information you should go to the websites of the official bodies, and
Actual restricton measures to enter Icelad are prolonged until June 15, 2021

- I already have the COVID-19 vaccine: You can enter Iceland. For now, only the international certificate of vaccination is accepted as proof, but more conditions and specifications regarding other types of certificates remain to be issued. PCR test is obligatory upon arrival,
- I have passed the Covid-19: If you have valid documentation proving previous infection of Covid-19, you can also enter Iceland. Positive PCR tests and certificates of the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 are only accepted from a laboratory within the EEA/EFTA-area.
- I don't have the vaccine yet: Countries will be classified as green, orange and red according to the epidemiological situation and according to the EU recommendations. If you come from a country with a low risk of infection (green or orange), you have to present a valid negative PCR test. If at the time of your trip your country is considered high risk (red), you will have to undergo a PCR test, a 5-day quarantine and a second PCR test.
- Check all the details at:
Note: Vaccination certificates from passengers from various countries outside the Schengen area are also accepted -- but for each country there can be different requirements. More info to be found here: Although Iceland belongs to the Schengen area, the exceptions will apply equally to all persons who can provide proof of a complete vaccination, regardless of the country of origin. The vaccine must have been certified for use by the European Medicines Agency and must meet the requirements defined by Icelandic regulations. Certificates from the World Health Organization (WHO) (the International Certificate of Vaccination or the Carte Jaune / Yellow Card) are also accepted for vaccines that have been validated by WHO.
Current measures being enforced upon enter
Covid news Iceland - 22.4.2021
The Government of Iceland has announced that the rules on certificates of vaccination or previous infection of COVID-19 accepted at the border will remain unchanged until June 1st, 2021. Those presenting a valid certificate of vaccination or previous infection must submit to a single PCR test at the border. They must wait for the test result at their place of residence and follow the quarantine rules until the result is available. All other passengers must be screened at the border and quarantined for five days followed by a second PCR test. Starting June 1st, less stringent border measures will be applied for those countries that are defined as low-risk areas. The assessment on risk areas will be based on the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) color system, together with other factors and will be published from May 7th, every fortnight.
Covid news Iceland - 6.4.2021
The government of Iceland has announced an amendment regarding entry measures to Iceland. Passengers who present a valid vaccination certificate or previous infection certificate must also undergo a PCR test upon arrival in the country and wait in quarantine for the negative test result. In addition, all passengers must previously register the date of their departure, if known, before their arrival in the country.
Covid news Iceland - 30.3.2021
With the aim of reducing Covid-19 cases in Iceland, the government has announced stricter measures to enter Iceland during the month of April for those who travel without a vaccination certificate or having overcome the disease. From April 1, those who come from dark red areas in the previous 14 days (according to the classification of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, that is, when the 14-day incidence rate exceeds 500 or insufficient data is available), they will have to perform the 5-day quarantine in the place that is specifically assigned to them. In addition, children, so far exempt, will also have to undergo testing and quarantine. On the other hand, regarding internal measures in Iceland, meetings will be limited to 10 people and face-to-face teaching will stop until after Easter.
Covid news Iceland - 17.3.2021
The government of Iceland has announced that all those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be able to travel to Iceland without being subject to border measures such as PCR testing and quarantine. Until now, this exemption has only applied to those who present certificates from the European Union Area and the Schengen area, but now it will apply equally to all people who can provide proof of a full vaccination with a vaccine that has been certified for use by the European Medicines Agency and meets the requirements defined by Icelandic regulations. Certificates from the World Health Organization (WHO) (the International Certificate of Vaccination or the Carte Jaune / Yellow Card) are also accepted for vaccines that have been validated by WHO. The exemption also applies to those who can provide valid proof of prior infection.
Covid news Iceland - 15.3.2021
The incidence of Covid-19 in Iceland at 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants is still very low, standing at 1.9 for domestic infections and 4.1 for infections detected upon entering Iceland. At the moment there are only 20 cases of coronavirus in Iceland and only 1 person is hospitalized for this disease. The number of vaccines completed in Iceland is 12,844. All vaccinations with the AstraZeneca vaccine have been temporarily stopped due to reports of possible serious side effects.
Covid news Iceland - 8.3.2021
The Icelandic government announced last week the relaxation of domestic measures in Iceland. Since last February 24, the general limit of meetings has increased from 20 to 50 people, with continued emphasis on distancing and other personal precautions. Face-to-face attendance at sporting events is allowed again, attendance limits for cultural events have been increased to 200, higher-level education returns to normal, bars and restaurants can remain open until 11 p.m. and restrictions regarding the capacity in public swimming pools and gyms have been relaxed .This relaxation of measures is done considering the favorable epidemiological evolution of recent months. The current 14-day domestic incidence rate is 1.4 per 100,000 inhabitants. Low threshold testing, contact tracing, quarantine of exposed persons and isolation of all cases remain vital tools.
Covid news Iceland - 23.2.2021
The Icelandic government has announced new measures to enter Iceland that are already into effect. All passengers arriving in Iceland are required to submit a negative PCR taken within 72 hours prior to their departure time to Iceland. This measure is in addition to the current double PCR test system, which also requires all passengers arriving in Iceland to undergo a PCR test on arrival, followed by a 5-day quarantine and a second PCR test. Those who provide valid proof of having been vaccinated against COVID-19 are not required to provide a PCR test prior to entering Iceland and are also exempt from PCR testing measures and quarantine in Iceland. The same applies to those who can provide proof of prior infection.The latest information can be found here: Details about the official certificates accepted here: Quarantine accommodation can be booked here.
Covid news Iceland - 01.02.2021.
The government of Iceland is keeping the announced measures from 23.11.2020 to enter Iceland, which will remain unchanged and will be in effect until 1st May 2021. These measures mean a PCR double test process with a five-day quarantine required between the first test at the border and the second test. Passengers who have valid documentation showing previous infection or vaccination against covid-19 are exempt from all these measures. Currently, only positive PCR tests and certificates of the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 from a laboratory within the EEA / EFTA area and the international certificate of vaccination are accepted as proof of vaccination. The latest information can be found here: Details about the official certificates accepted here: Quarantine accommodation can be booked here.
Iceland coronavirus news and restructions update on 26.08.2020
The regulations adopted by the Icelandic government on 17.8.2020 are still being enforced as the new measures to protect its citizens against the spread of COVID-19 were implemented. These regulations apply to all tourists visiting Iceland from August 19 onward. The current rules have been announced on the official government page: and on the official page dedicated to the coronavirus in Iceland: As of August 19, 2020 (00:00 h.), All passengers arriving in Iceland must take two PCR tests for Covid-19 and remain in quarantine for 5-6 days (the period necessary between the first test upon arrival and the second test). The latest important news that may affect your trip can be found here: Quarantine accommodation can be booked here.
Iceland coronavirus news and restructions update on 06.08.2020
Since July 13, Icelanders and residents of Iceland who return to the island have had to undergo a second PCR test to minimize the risk that a false negative will cause the spread of the coronavirus infection in Iceland. As of last Friday, July 31, the measure has also been taken that all tourists who arrive in Iceland and intend to stay on the island for 10 days or more, must take the same precautions and undergo a second test. This second test is free and can be done both in Reykjavík and outside the capital by appointment at the health centers of the following places: Suðurnes, Selfoss, Vestmannaeyjar, Höfn í Hornafirði, Egilsstaðir, Akureyri, Ísafjörður, Borgarnes and Stykkishólmur.
“To minimize the risk of further spread within the community, we rely on tools that have served us thus far, namely early testing, contact tracing, quarantine of people at risk, and specific social distancing measures. We have always expected a small number of infections to emerge from time to time, and we have all the mechanisms to deal with these cases, ”says Chief Epidemiologist Thorolfur Gudnason.
For official information on coronavirus in Iceland, access the following link:

- What do I have to do to travel to Iceland after the COVID-19 crisis?
Before traveling, you must complete a pre-registration form with contact information and information about travel dates and accommodation, in addition to other questions. The form is available at and can be filled in 72 hours before arrival in Iceland.
When you arrive at Keflavík International Airport you will have to take a PCR test to detect COVID-19 (except for children born as of 2005). The cost of the PCR test is 11000 ISK at the airport or 9000 ISK if paid in advance when filling in the form. You will not have to wait for the results, but you can go directly to your accommodation. You will receive the results by SMS (text message) in less than 24 hours.
If you test positive, you will receive a call to take another COVID-19 test. If the test is positive, you will have to quarantine (if you do not have any place, you will be offered free accommodation in an isolation center). There will be no charge for medical treatment or examination related to COVID-19 except for the initial PCR test.
Iceland coronavirus news and restructions update on 17.7.2020.
There was new development yesterday, July 16th from Iceland's chief epidemiologist. It was decided that the following countries can now travel to Iceland without fulfilling the previous COVID-19 screening and quarantine requirements. Germany, Finland, Norway and Denmark have been removed from the list of high-risk countries which were required to have coronavirus screenings and/or undertake quarantine measurements upon arrival in Iceland.
There is the added condition that visitors from these four countries (Germany, Finland, Norway and Denmark) must not have traveled to any other country which is still on the high-risk list within the previous 14 days before traveling to Iceland. The condition concerning children and adolescents, born between 2005 and the present are still exempt as well from fulfilling screening and quarantine measures.
Iceland has been allowing travelers to visit since June 15th (just over one month ago) and given the option of fulfilling a 14-day self quarantine before traveling around Iceland, or taking the COVID-19 testing at the airport when they arrive. In that time, there have been just under 37,000 tests administered, only 84 were found to be positive, 12 of those were contagious, 71 had antibodies (not contagious) and one is still under examination.
Thorolfur Gudnason, Iceland's chief epidemiologist, expressed confidence that given the current measures taking place and the low level of coronavirus cases in Iceland, only 12 known cases currently among the general population, there is very low likelihood that either tourists will spread coronavirus to the native population or vice versa. Thordis Kolbrun R Gylfadóttir, the Minister of Tourism, spoke of his hope to allow more travelers to visit Iceland without being screened at the border in the near future.
If you are still interested in traveling to Iceland during the COVID-19 outbreak, then you are in luck. It is still possible to visit Iceland during the coronavirus epidemic. In fact, it is one of the safest places you can do so. Check out this tour below, which is the perfect Coronavirus-Free vacation you can find. Enjoy Iceland in the high season without the crowds. Stay far away from everyone except your travel companions and see the most magnificent country in the world:
Updated on 10.6.2020.
There have been updates to the latest news from Iceland concerning COVID-19 travel restrictions for foreigners wishing to go to Iceland. Last week, the government of Iceland released new measures that will be put into place, thus allowing travelers from European and Schengen countries to enter Iceland without the mandatory 14-day quarantine. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Iceland has remained opened to travelers from most European countries, as long as those visitors placed themselves in an immediate 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Iceland, through the Keflavik International Airport.
This will change as of June 15th in which passengers will have the option to either follow the previous protocol and stay in quarantine for 14-days, or take a COVID-19 test immediately upon arrival at the airport. Starting June 15th, these tests will be available and free for all travelers, but only for the first two weeks. Following this initial period, the tests will be available but the cost will fall on the passengers. They can expect to pay 15,000 ISK (or about 100 €) for the test. (Children born after 2005 will be exempt from this requirement.)
After taking the test, the visitors will be allowed to enter Iceland and do not have to quarantine during the time it will take to receive the results. However, they are asked to move about with caution, practicing all social distance protocol measures. Within 24 hours of having taken the test the results will be returned, either via text message or through the Rakning C-19 app, if the test results are negative, or via a phone call if the test results are positive.
Should a passenger receive a positive test, a further test will be administered in order to verify if the coronavirus is still active. If that also comes back positive, the traveler will be mandated to remain in quarantine for 14 days. Housing during this time is available at no cost, should it be necessary. For more information regarding this quarantine, please see this page here.
Updated on 28.5.2020.
On Monday, 25 May, coronavirus related restrictions were further lifted or lightened according to rulings from Iceland's Ministry of Health. This has included the re-opening of gyms, which are able to do so at 50% capacity; restaurants and bars are able to open but must close by 11 PM; and people are able to gather in groups of up to 200 people. Many of these facilities which are re-opening must offer their patrons a way in which to keep the social distancing norm of maintaining 2 meters of distance from other customers.
Another group working for the Ministry of Health in Iceland has been tasked with devising a plan which will allow for all arriving visitors and travelers to Iceland to be tested upon arrival. Following the decision announced on May 12 in which the Icelandic government announced that they would re-open their borders on June 15, with certain precautionary procedures in place. This task force will determine how new arrivals will be tested for the coronavirus and who will incur the costs. The initial re-opening will last for 2 weeks in which time, the situation regarding COVID-19 will be assessed and any necessary changes will be made.
Iceland continues to show extremely low numbers, with only 3 active cases and only 10 deaths:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,805
Number of new cases (since yesterday): 0
Number of active cases in Iceland: 3
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 0
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 1,792
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 10
Updated on 20.5.2020.
In the last week Iceland has continued to see promising responses to the previous measures taken by the Icelandic government, which are meant to curb the spread of the coronavirus throughout Iceland. These measures, such as restriction of the gathering of large groups of people, travel restrictions for several countries, and activities related to school and children have all slowly begun to be lifted.
On April 24, those entering Iceland were allowed to do so as long as they maintained a 14-day quarantine. From May 4th there has been a loosening on gathers and school activities. Most schools are now completely opened without restrictions. The previous limit for gatherings of people had been 20, and it is now 50 people that may gather together at once. On May 15, in what might be its largest relaxation of previous measures, the government began to allow entrance from Greenland and Faroe Islands without the need for quarantine.
All other travelers to Iceland, from certain designated countries will have the option of one of 3 options when arriving to Iceland:
1. Remain in quarantine for 14 days
2. Take a test immediately upon arrival and wait overnight in their hotel until the results come back
3. Arrive to Iceland with a certificed coronavirus test that is no more than 2 days old and negative.
The latest numbers are:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,803
Number of new cases (since yesterday): 1
Number of active cases in Iceland: 4
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 0
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 1,789
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 10
If you want to enhance your immunity we recommend using Protect pills or oil products - more information to be found by clicking on this photo.
Updated on 14.5.2020.
The latest reports out of Iceland were announced on Tuesday, May 12th when the government stated that by June 15th at the latest, the current restrictions for international arrivals should begin to start easing up. There is already a modified loosening of the quarantine starting tomorrow, May 15th, which will allow professionals such as scientists, filmmakers and athletes to travel to Iceland. This newest statement from the Government of Iceland will give travelers several options upon arrival. They may either take a test upon arrival or remain in a 2-week quarantine upon arrival to Iceland, or they may present proof that they are coronavirus-free via an approved certificate of recent screening which resulted in a negative test.
The unknown in all of this is who will be responsible for the payment of the test: the government or the passenger. Travelers will also be obliged to download the COVID-19 tracing app in order to assist authorities in trace in the transmission of the virus.
The situation of COVID-19 in Iceland continues to bear well for the small island nation. There have only been a total of 3 new reported cases and no new deaths in Iceland due to the coronavirus since this was updated a week ago, May 7th. The number of active cases has done down from 39 to 12 in that same time span. This is due in large part to the large scale testing of all citizens and residents as well as the contract tracing, which law enforcement has taken as seriously as they would any other crime. Iceland has conducted over 160,000 tests per million residents, higher than any other country save one.
The latest numbers are:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,802
Number of new cases (since yesterday): xx
Number of active cases in Iceland: 12
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 0
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 1,780
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 10
Updated on 07.5.2020.
Iceland's government continues to release encouraging numbers and news related to the coronavirus epidemic and the effects of it on its citizens and the Icelandic community. With its wide scale testing and contact tracing, they have been successful in keeping the number of cases and deaths to an extremely low number. The newest information released reported that patients who have recovered is at 97%, while only 10 fatalities have been attributed to the COVID-19 epidemic. There have only been 2 new cases in the previous week.
Monday, May 4th was the start of some relaxing of previous measures that had been put in place in March. This includes children's activities which are now back to normal, as well as the permission of groups of up to 50 people gathering in one place. Many businesses which closed are now reopening as long as they can maintain social distancing regulations such as keeping 2 meters between the customers and clients.
The latest numbers are:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,799
Number of new cases (since yesterday): xx
Number of active cases in Iceland: 39
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 0
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 1,750
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 10
Updated on 29.4.2020.
Last week new measures were put into place which will further affect travel and tourism into Iceland. While Iceland itself is handling the situation of the coronavirus epidemic well within its borders, with relatively few restrictions or freedom of movement, due to extensive contact tracking of the spread of COVID-19 through its residents and citizens, late last week that changed.
As of last Friday, April 24, all those arriving to Iceland will be mandated to observe a 14-day quarantine from the day of their arrival. This new measure, meant to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 in Iceland, is set to remain in place until May 15, unless any medical or scientific advice should offer further opinion.
A travel restriction had already been in place for many countries within Europe since March 20. Those from Schengen Area and the European Union have been barred from entry since that date, except for EU/EEA, EFTA or UK nationals or foreign nations who could prove that their travel was essential. This current measure has been extended til May 15, in line with the new 14-day quarantine for all entrances.
Updated on 22.4.2020.
Iceland continues to see record low numbers of COVID-19 cases in the country, as well as low numbers of deaths. Iceland's Ministry of Health has done extensive testing and tracking of the spread of the coronavirus through the residents of Iceland, which has kept the numbers very low and allowed for most of society to live their lives with as much normalcy as possible and without having to enforce a full lock down as in many other countries.
The latest numbers are:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,778
Number of new cases (since yesterday): xx
Number of active cases in Iceland: 351
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 5
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 1,417
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 10
Updated on 15.4.2020.
Following the positive news last week that the coronavirus epidemic in Iceland seems to be receding, the Icelandic government released a statement yesterday in which they outlined some new measures that will come into effect starting in early May in which current rules and regulations concerning the COVID-19 would be lifted or lightened.
Starting from May 4th:
-People will be able to gather in groups of up to 50 people at once, while still respecting the social distancing practice of remaining two meters from another at all times.
-Primary schools and preschools will return to normal operations.
-High schools and universities will also reopen, however the social distancing measure of maintaining two meters from others as well as the limit of 50 people must be respected.
-Many businesses will reopen including, museums, clinics, salons and hair dressers while respecting the 2-meter distance.
-Healthcare: all healthcare and dental practices will reopen with elective dental surgeries allowed once again.
-Children will be able to participate in organized sports activities although they may not gather in groups larger than 50.
-Adults may return to participation in sports outdoors as well, however they will be limited to groups of 4 and special measures should be taken to avoid contact, and only share equipment if necessary and if properly sanitized.
The following are measures that are currently in effect but which will not change.
-All businesses that are currently open will remain so.
-Food stores and pharmacies are allowed to admit up to 100 people at once, while maintaining social distancing.
-gyms and swimming pools will remain closed.
-Bars, nightclubs, and businesses of a similar nature will continue to remain closed.
-Elective surgeries will continue to be postponed at this time.
For the latest information on status in Iceland please visit
Updated on 9.4.2020.
According to officials in Iceland and around the globe, the COVID-19 epidemic is being handled extremely well in Iceland. The coronavirus outbreak in Iceland has been treated as a serious issue, but due to many preventative measures taken by the Ministry of Health, the Icelandic government as well as local law officials, the country has managed to keep the numbers of those infected and deaths down, while showing some of the highest numbers of those tested in the world.
This is thanks in large part to the use of effective and efficient measures like an official app which tracks the spread of the coronavirus in Iceland. This app was quickly developed by Icelandic civil protection authorities in a mere 10 days and released to the public in Iceland and has been showing positive results in the fight against the continual spread of the COVID-19 in Iceland.
At present time, more than 70 thousand people living in Iceland have downloaded the app, which was within one day of the app having been released. The app is vital in helping police to maintain and up-to-date tracking record of all cases and potential cases and it is what has kept the cases of coronavirus in Iceland at a record low.
For the latest information on status in Iceland please visit
Updated on 7.4.2020.
As much of the world continues to experience large growth in numbers of those infected with the coronavirus, in Iceland the numbers have only been rising slightly and seem to be under controls based on these numbers:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,562
Number of new cases (since yesterday): xx
Number of active cases in Iceland: 1096
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 11
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 460
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 6
The COVID-19 epidemic is certainly present in Iceland, however, due to intense testing, as well as the mapping of the spread of the infection from person to person, the Icelandic Ministry of Health has managed to slow the spread of the coronavirus throughout Iceland.
Iceland can consider itself lucky as Reykjavik, the capital of the island is home to deCODE which is a global leader who has been instrumental in the analysis and testing of the COVID-19 epidemic. Having access to deCODe's lab and testing facilities means that Iceland has been able to broadly offer testing to all citizens and residents, thereby informing the country and authorities the proper practices for quarantine and treatment of infected individuals.
Updated on 2.4.2020.
As the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland continues to affect all citizens and residents in the country, the country is making large strides in flattening the curb and staving off a large COVID-19 outbreak in Iceland with its rapid and wide spread testing. The country is becoming an example for other countries to follow as it is ramping up testing for many of those in the country. It was reported on Tuesday 31.3 that about 5% of the citizens and residents of Iceland have been tested.
Using a screening process from a biopharma company deCODE Genetics, they are able to accept and test anyone, whether or not they are currently showing symptoms and even those who are not currently in quarantine, as reported by Iceland's Directorate of Health.
The latest updates of those affected by the coronavirus epidemic in Iceland are as follows:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,220
Number of new cases (since yesterday): xx
Number of active cases in Iceland: 982
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 12
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 236
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 2
Updated on 31.3. 2020.
The effects of the coronavirus in Iceland continue to spread throughout the country. The Ministry of Health and the government is working to ensure the safety of all those within the borders of Iceland. Here are the latest numbers of those affected by the COVID-19 in Iceland:
Number of people in Iceland infected: 1,086
Number of new cases (since yesterday): 66
Number of active cases in Iceland: 927
Number of people in Iceland in serious condition: 25
Number of people in Iceland who have recovered: 157
Number of deaths in Iceland from the coronavirus: 2
Please see below for more information regarding traveling in Iceland during the coronavirus epidemic.
Updated on 28.3. 2020.
Please see below from previous coverage and updates including how ISLANDICA and viajesislandia is handling the situation.
The latest updates from the Icelandic Ministry of Health concerning the number of those affected by the coronavirus was updated earlier today, March 28th with these numbers:
Number of people in Iceland tested: 14,635
Number of people in Iceland infected: 963 (up 67 from yesterday)
Number of people in Iceland in quarantine: 10,000
Number of people in Iceland who have completed quarantine: 3,991
Number of people in Iceland in hospital: 18
Number of people in Iceland who have improved/Cured: 97
Updated on 25.3. 2020.
To all our clients, guests and visitors,
Viajesislandia and ISLANDICA would like to express our deepest wishes that you and your loved ones are safe during these difficult times.
We would like to keep you updated on the situation of the coronavirus epidemic as it is affecting Iceland. As some of you might be aware, the COVID-19 outbreak has arrived in Iceland and it has of course complicated many things here. At the latest count, there have been about 600 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, about 15 people have been hospitalized and 6300 are currently in quarantine. The government, ministries and medical community are working tirelessly to ensure that the people in Iceland are as safe and protected as possible and we believe that they are doing the very best that they can.
At the beginning of this week it was announced that there would be stricter regulations in regards to the number of people who can gather in one place. This newest restriction dictates that no more than 20 people should gather in one place at one time and that those people should maintain a distance of at least 2 meters as precaution.
Many businesses and places of entertainment have been closed. This includes gyms, pools and many museums, which extends to such famous landmarks and sites such as the Blue Lagoon, Nature Baths and Vök Baths. All of these places will be closed for anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. The authorities are forecasting that the peak of the coronavirus epidemic should be around April 10th - 14th. We are optimistic that by early May we will see results and that the situation of the COVID-19 in Iceland will have improved. Yet we know that this may not be the case and so we will continue to hope for the best possible solution and outcome.
Viajesislandia and ISLANDICA are still operating. We have made adjustments in our work schedules so that we can continue to serve those who need our assistance.
Of course we are honoring all reservations that our clients have made, so please reach out to us if you have any questions regarding a current booking. We have modified our Terms and Conditions, so if you need to make a change, simply email us and we will work with you to find a solution that will work for you.
We will continue to maintain an upbeat and positive attitude that we will be able to get through the coronavirus epidemic and continue to offer the best services for people who are interested in visiting Iceland.
From our family to yours, we wish you all the best during these trying times. Please take care and don’t hesitate to reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you very much.
Websites to consult regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in Iceland:
Phone Numbers to consult for information regarding the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland:
If you are in Iceland and need to contact the authorities because you think you might have contracted the COVID-19, you should call directly to 1700 from an Icelandic line and +354 544 4113 from any other telephone from abroad. There you will receive further instructions.
Updated on 23.3. 2020.
Late last week the measures taken to fight the coronavirus in Iceland became stricter. For several weeks now Iceland had hesitated at implementing any restrictions of movement, restrictions of collecting or bans on traveling to curb the spread of COVID-19 within its borders. However this is no longer the case as several restrictions and bans were put into place last week.
Yesterday, March 22, the newest measure to combat the coronavirus in Iceland was decided upon. The government mandated that people should not and must not gather in groups of more than 20 people. This restriction will begin tomorrow, March 24 and will be in effect at least until April 12.
Last Friday, March 20, a travel restriction has gone into effect. This is the same restriction that has already been in effect within the Schengen Area and the European Union. The travel restriction states that foreign nationals - except EU/EEA, EFTA or UK nationals - are not allowed to enter Iceland. This ban on entry for these citizens will be valid at least until 17 April 2020.
This does not apply to those who have immigration status or whose families have immigration status in Iceland or another Schengen State. They will continue to have access to entry to Iceland.
For more information and contact numbers, please see the information listed below in an earlier update:
Updated on 19.3. 2020.
For those interested in the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the coronavirus in Iceland, please see this list of important websites and phone numbers that you can use to best educate yourselves:
Websites to consult regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in Iceland:
Phone Numbers to consult for information regarding the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland:
If you are in Iceland and need to contact the authorities because you think you might have contracted the COVID-19, you should call directly to 1700 from an Icelandic line and +354 544 4113 from any other telephone from abroad. There you will receive further instructions.
Updated on 18.3. 2020. As the circumstances, policies and measures taken by different institutions and governments in response to the coronavirus in Iceland and abroad continue to be changed and modified daily or hourly, we urge all readers who are affected by or concerned by the COVID-19 situation in Iceland to stay informed. We have gathered together information here where you can consult the government and the Ministry of Health in Iceland in order to make sure you are in contact with those who are making and implementing these policies and measures. In addition, we have much more information regarding how the coronavirus has spread in Iceland in the last few weeks. Please be sure to read below for more information:
Updated on 17.3. 2020. This situation of the coronavirus in Iceland is changing minute by minute, hour by hour. In order for all viewers to see the most accurate, up-to-date, and correct information, please consult the official government websites concerning the COVID-19 pandemic in Iceland. There you will find the latest information as it is released to the public. There are several links below so that you can locate the necessary information and obtain the answers you need.
Updated on 16.3. 2020. Further updates on the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland:
We would like to share with you several sites which can offer up-to-date information for you and your travel companions:
(see additional information at the bottom of this article entitled, “Important information for tourist in Iceland about COVID-19”
The latest updates from Icelandic government should be consulted here:
Other important information about coronavirus in Iceland can be found in English on the official pages of the Icelandic Ministry of Health:
This information comes directly from the Icelandic government and is the best source of up-to-date information that we can offer you at this point in time. The information is constantly changing, day to day, so we ask you to consult these sites regularly.
The tours on Iceland are operating as normal for the time being, but we are taking additional precautions to be sure that our customers are well taken care of. The tour operators have been cleaning all vehicles daily with antibacterial chemicals, and they offer hand sanitizer available at all times for anyone who would like, we have on hand guidelines promoting health and hygiene practices, and the locations and information regarding additional health stations if necessary is possessed.
At this point we are asking our clients to please confirm all reservations and cancellations for the upcoming 8 weeks. This will greatly help us to reduce our costs associated with cancellation policies. This will also be of great service to our tour operators in Iceland so that us and our providers are aware of which tours will still be operating despite the current situation.
Above all, we all hope that this complicated situation in the world will get better soon and we will keep you informed of any necessary updates whenever we have them.
If you are in Iceland and needi to contact the authorities because you think you might have contracted the COVID-19, you should call directly to 1700 from an Icelandic line and +354 544 4113 from any other telephone from abroad. There you will receive further instructions.
Updated on 16.3. 2020. Breaking news out of Iceland regarding the continued spread of the coronavirus in Iceland. Just past midnight, today, March 16th, the government of Iceland put into effect a restriction on the movement of people within Iceland for the following 4 weeks. Due to the number of COVID-19 cases in Iceland continuing to rise on a daily basis, the government has decided that the best course of action will be to limit the gathering of people, with the hopes that this will curb the spread of the coronavirus in Iceland. This was announced by Svandís Svavarsdóttir Minister of Health at a press conference.
This ban on assembly of people means that no more than 100 people can gather in one place at one time. Such event like theaters, cinemas, sporting arenas and large conferences have been canceled for the next 4 weeks, until the 13th of April. While smaller businesses may remain open, such as restaurants , gyms and work spaces, there must be a radius of 1 meter surrounding all those present and access to hand washing.
Schools have also been affected by the ban on gathering. Many schools will have to close and students will have distant learning lessons. Some elementary schools are remaining open if they keep the students isolated from other classrooms and class sizes stay to less than 20 students.
Updated on 15.3. 2020. There are now over 161 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Iceland. This was the number as stated by the National Defense Police Department on Saturday afternoon, .March 14th. Over 1,500 people have been tested since the COVID-19 outbreak in Iceland and of those, 1,250 have been quarantined.
The latest update concerning the coronavirus in Iceland comes yesterday, 14.3.2020 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health of Iceland who all strongly encouraged citizens and residents of Iceland to NOT travel abroad unless absolutely necessary. They also highly recommended citizens and residents of Iceland who are currently abroad to return home as soon as possible.
The circumstances regarding COVID-19 in Iceland has not caused the government to close borders or to restrict travel or tourism. However, if citizens, residents or tourists arrive from countries that are considered high risk (China, Iran, South Korea and most countries in the Schengen Zone) they will be required to participate in a 14-day home quarantine or for the cases of tourists, in one of the hotels which has been designated a coronavirus quarantine zone.
Icelandic citizens and residents are currently prohibited from traveling to the United States after President Trump issued a statement in which all residents and citizens of Schengen Zone countries will be barred from entering the United States for the next 30 days.
Starting tomorrow, March 16, the Norræna ferry announced that it will cease to carry passengers on its routes. It will continue to carry cargo and if passengers are returning to their homes, they may proceed with their journeys.
Updated on 14.3. 2020. After over a week of taking mild precautions regarding the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland, the Icelandic government has decided to take stricter measures in order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 throughout the country. Until now, there were no mandatory closings or shortening of hours of operations for businesses or schools. Citizens and travelers who were arriving or returning from high-risk countries such as Italy, Korea, China and Austria were required to stay at home for a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
However, all of this has changed in the last 24 hours as Iceland's government officials have decided that more restricted means of preventing the spread of the coronavirus in Iceland is necessary. Therefore they have decided to ban public gatherings which involve more than 100 and they have instated a mandatory closing of all secondary schools and universities for the next four weeks with the hopes of curbing the further spread of COVID-19 outbreak in Iceland. This ban will go into effect on Monday, 16.3.2020.
Updated on 13.3. 2020. As of later yesterday afternoon the Icelandic Ministry of Health announced that the current number of cases of coronavirus in Iceland has increased to 109. The COVID-19 situation is growing steadily, mainly due in part to a group of Icelandic travelers who had returned from a ski trip in the Alps or from travelers returning from the United States. Since then the virus has spread to others with whom they have been in contact. Over 900 people have been placed in quarantine and over 1000 have been tested.
The government of Iceland is asking locals to exercise caution and good hygiene. As of yet, there have been no large bans on associating with large numbers of people, no cancellation of events or closing of buildings. Iceland's citizens who are abroad have registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Those returning from the United States will be allow to return despite the ban the United States has put on travel from Europe to the United States, but their itinerary may differ.
Updated on 12.3. 2020. The Icelandic Ministry of Health has updated the number of coronavirus cases in Iceland. The numbers as of March 12th are: 81 confirmed cases, 710 individual tested, and 600 people in quarantine.
The Harpa Concert Hall has had to postpone or cancel several upcoming events including the annual party of the Icelandic Coast Guard, the food market Matarmarkaður Búrsins, which were postponed and the 2020 Reykjavík Open chess championship and Eve Fanfest, which were both canceled. However, as of right now, no major international conferences have been affected.
Updated on 11.3. 2020. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Iceland increased since yesterday by 5 for a total of 65. Many of these cases can be traced back to a skiing trip which was taken to Italy and Austria, in which the travelers brought back the coronavirus and spread it to friends and family. Health officials continue to maintain vigilance and ask any travelers or citizens who have been to infected countries before returning to Iceland to impose a self-quarantine for the next 2 weeks.
They will also be offering a service similar to what was done in South Korea in which there is a drive-thru coronavirus screening so as to make the process as time-efficient and safe as possible. More information in English can be also consulted All is under control and the health care system is prepared. So if you have a feeling that you could have been infected during your travels with the virus, you are encouraged to call tlf. 1700 from an Icelandic phone number or +354 544 4113 from a foreign phone for more information and how to approach the Icelandic healthcare system.
Updated on 10.3. 2020. Health officials have updated the latest count of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases to 60.
Regarding entrance to Iceland, with concerns for previous travel: immigration and border crossing guards are NOT asking travelers if they have been to China in recent times, nor are they checking passports for entry stamps if they passenger is arriving from within the Schengen Zone (the zone of 26 European countries, including Iceland, which allow free movement without need for additional documentation).
All those arriving to Iceland, whether by flight or by cruise ship, are receiving SMS text messages encouraging them to contact a doctor if they feel sick. Travelers and Icelandic residents who have traveled to China (specifically the Wuhan province) and Italy in the last few weeks are asked to participate in a self-quarantine for up to 14 days in their homes. The National University Hospital (Landspitali) has also been set up to act as a quarantine facility.
Updated on 9.3. 2020. Over the weekend the number of confirmed coronavirus cases rose by 6, putting the latest total at 43. This is also a significant update, as two of these cases were contracted not from any interaction or travel to Italy or Austria, but within Iceland. These are the first cases of this kind in Iceland.
As of now, none of the COVID-19 cases in Iceland are serious and all of the patients are being treated and attended to at hospitals in Iceland.
At this time, the Icelandic government is NOT instituting any mandatory or enforced quarantine on the general public, but is instead asking people to be responsible and reasonable and not to take part in large gatherings in communal places.
This is especially true for those who might be at a higher risk (the elderly and those with previous respiratory infections). These individuals should avoid large gatherings at all costs.
Updated on 8.3. 2020. In the latest update, in Iceland there are over 400 quarantined individuals and 37 confirmed cases. Many of these people are been returning to Iceland after spending time in Austria or Northern Italy.
The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management recently published what they are calling an “Alert Phase”
The Icelandic Ministry of Health is issuing warning maintaining constant updates on their website regarding the situation.
And as always, please maintain an extremely high level of hygiene, including washing hands, not touching face and sneezing and coughing into a disposable tissue and then immediately washing your hands.
Updated on 6.3. 2020. The latest update for the situation of the coronavirus in Iceland is still under control and there are not many cases. Only 35 confirmed cases are currently registered. Although there are several hundred in home-based quarantine and another few hundred who are being tested. Officials encourage all people, locals and travelers to maintain their normal lives, but with added caution while interacting with others.
Updated on 2.3. 2020. The coronavirus in Iceland is under control with only 3 confirmed cases. The Icelanders who have become infected during their vacations in northern Iceland are in the hospital in good condition. Their symptoms are mild. More important and necessary information for your vacation in Iceland can be read below.
Updated on 28.2. 2020. The coronavirus in Iceland is officially confirmed with its first case of COVID-19. Until today, 28.2, Iceland was the only Nordic country that had not registered any coronavirus cases. This first case is a man who had returned to the country after visiting northern Italy and is complete stable conditions with mild symptoms, similar to normal flu symptoms.
Originally published on 26.2. 2020. Travel to Iceland does not pose any danger as there are no reported or confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Iceland at this time. Traveling to Iceland is safe. For those who have been following the latest updates on the coronavirus are sure to be concerned about the current conditions and lack of information. As of today's date, life, business, schools and people are functioning and operating as normal. Mass quarantines that have occurred in other countries have not been declared and are not expected. In addition, Iceland's healthcare system is one of the most advanced in the world and a contingency plan already exists and a coordination center has been activated as a preventive measure, designed to educate and coordinate reactions, in the unlikely event that the virus arrives to Iceland. Therefore, we encourage normal activity and travel to Iceland.
COVID-19 or the coronavirus is a respiratory virus that can be spread through human to human contact or through contact with saliva from an infected individual which can be expressed when blowing one's nose or coughing or even talking. The symptoms are similar to those of a flu (cough, fever and, in severe cases, respiratory failure and pneumonia). According to scientists and doctors - a healthy individual with less than 65 years is likely to die in 0.5% of cases. Deaths by the coronavirus tend to occur in patients who already have other serious illnesses and are over 70 years old. You can follow the statistics here about the coronavirus in the following link
The coronavirus originated in China in the Wuhan providence and has since spread thought the country as well as to neighboring countries, most especially South Korea and Japan, as well as to Iran, Singapore and even as far as Italy. Many other countries have experienced new cases of the coronavirus, but these countries unfortunately have been the ones most heavily affected by the outbreak.
The number one way to prevent getting the coronavirus is to maintain high levels of hygiene through effective hand washing with anti-bacterial soap and hot water and general daily habits as such. If you are in contact with many people such as on public transportation or in large spaces it is best to avoid unnecessary contact with these individuals, especially those who could be contagious (such as those who have recently traveled abroad). If you have the need to cough, do so in your elbow and immediately wash your hands after. If you are in Iceland and need to contact the authorities because you think you might have contracted the COVID-19, you should call directly to 1700 from an Icelandic line and +354 544 4113 from any other telephone from abroad. There you will receive further instructions.

- Measures taken by the National University Hospital in Landspítali:
Although no cases of coronavirus have been registered in Iceland, the Landspítali National University Hospital is preparing for the imminent occurrences which involves a container ready for use, installed next to the emergency room in Fossvogur, Reykjavík, intended for potentially infected people, reports
The purpose of the facility is to ensure that people suspected of being infected with coronavirus in Iceland can be treated without having to enter a waiting room or emergency room so as not to be in contact with other patients in the hospital. All the important information about coronavirus in Iceland can be found in English on the official pages of the Icelandic government:
Traveling to Iceland is completely safe and the coronavirus in Iceland should not be an exaggerated concern. If you really want to come prepared to Iceland, we recommend that you read our article "Dangers in Iceland", in which we count the precautions you should take in relation to the only risks in Iceland, such as weather, roads or irresponsible tourists .
The low population density (just 3 inhabitants per km2), its high rate of economic development, its environmental initiatives and its incredible nature make epidemics such as the coronavirus, Iceland one of the safest countries to travel.

Important Contacts: We ask you be a responsible tourist and that in case of any doubts about the coronavirus in Iceland you can visit the official pages of the Icelandic government: ID: 799